Sunday, January 13, 2008


My leave-it JC went away yesterday. She was an old girl, and she had lived with Momma J for over 20 years! I guess the vet told the mommas that 20 years for a 3-legs like JC is like 110 years for a 2-legs! So I think she was probably pretty tired these last few months, but she was always nice to me and Remy. She was our alarm clock every morning, and she was never late! And I'm going to miss giving her kisses. Even though she complained when I did, I'm pretty sure she secretly enjoyed them! And she was the first leave-it I knew who was nice to me, and left me sniff her and check her out and didn't swat me for doing it. I liked her for that.


Zip said...

My Dear Friend, Kinka,
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I know you will miss her.
I don't have any Leave-its myself, but the ones that live in the habitat at my mom's work look like they could be interesting to have around the house. Maybe one day...

It's been a long time since I've visited your blog. My mom's computer has been acting up. I'll try to remind her to check on you more often.

Your buddy in COLD Illinois,

Zip said...

I miss hearing from you. I hope you, Remy, and your mommas are OK.
Roo says "Hi" to you, too.

Your friend,