Friday, March 9, 2007

Something's Up

So last night? At around bedtime? The mommas put away ALL my food and water, took away all my biscuit treats; they even closed the lids on the toilets so I couldn't sneak drinks. It was like they didn't want me to eat or drink ANYTHING! They've never done THAT before. Then this morning? It was the same deal! No breakfast. No water. Not even a treat for a "do it" outside! WHAT the HECK is going on around here? This SUCKS. And incidentally, I've heard the 2 of them talking alot about "spaying" lately. What IS that anyway? Spaying. Is it like "playing"? I like playing! Do they maybe mean "spraying"? Like I can do with the water when I dabble my paws in Momma C's tubby? Maybe THAT's it. But it doesn't explain why I can't have breakfast. Hmm.

Anyway, I was ready to chalk it up to them being weird. 'Cause sometimes? They just are. But now Momma C just left for work like usual, but she gave me a little extra squeeze and a kiss on my nose before she did. And Momma J's hanging around a little later than normal. Weird. I'm starting to think something's up. Ooooh I hear Momma J getting out my harness, which means I get to go for a ride in the Jeep! Cool! Gotta go! I'll write later.

1 comment:

Zip said...

Oh Kinka,
I don't have too much experience with "spay," but I know about "neuter." It's easier for us boys, than for you girls. Moe, the Border Collie that lives with me, says she remembers about "spay." She says you have to rest for a few days, no rough play. After a few days, you'll feel better and soon it will be like nothing happened.

There are good things about it. They tell me that spayed females live longer and will not get mammary cancer, or uterine cancer. You won't have any seasons, or false pregnancies either. You won't ever be a momma though. Moe says she doesn't like puppies anyway, so that's a good thing, too.
I hope you will be up and around very soon.

Your neutered friend,