Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Ride Kinka Ride

I added a new link over there on the right. It's a video of ME! Surprising I know, I let Momma C be in this one too. (Truth is, I need her, mostly her opposable thumb, to run the ATV.)


Zip said...

Cool Video, Kinka,
I wish I had one of those things. I would just LOVE it!
I got your message about your dew claw. That happened to me last year. It will heal pretty quickly, believe me.
I don't like my momma playing around with my feet either. Last time she trimmed my nails, she did one too short and it bled for a long time. I only let my dad do my nails now, and then I make it easy for him.
Keep riding. Maybe one day they will buy you a Hog. Now that's riding.

Your friend,

Ms. Roo said...

Hi Kinka!!!
I am SOOOOOO jealous!!! My Mommy won't let me ride on the 3 wheeler at the farm : (
She says it's something about the way I have to stand on the handle bars, and she can't see ... what's she need to see for?? Doesn't she understand I am her eyes??!!!!
I am sorry about your dew claw, don't let the Momma's near you with those nasty clipper things, off course my Momma got mine on Thursday night .. I fought Kinka, valiantly but it didn't work .. I fear you may have to endure the same torture : (
I love you, and miss you terriably
Sister Roo

Anonymous said...


That looks like sooo much fun! My dad used to take me for rides on the tractor.. but not so much anymore, so I just follow along...

Can I come visit and go for a ride too?
