Friday, September 21, 2007

She's Here!

Remy came home this morning! I was TOTALLY excited when I heard her come into the yard with Momma C! I had to shriek and shriek and bark and carry on for a good 5 minutes before I got to go out and see her! (So WHAT if she wanted to check out the yard on her own? This is MY world!) Anyway, we had a really good play, then we had lunch, then I wanted to play more but Remy wanted a nap. Anyways, I had to go shopping with Momma J so that Remy could rest without me bonking her to get her up for more. She's kind of a lightweight.....

We took this picture of her - sleeping! can you believe it!? - it shows her funny tail. I mean funny in a nice way. And the important thing is that even though it's pretty short, she can wag it really fast!

1 comment:

Zip said...

Hi Kinka,
Remy looks like a great new addition to your family. I, myself, love having other dogs around. You'll love it, too. Even though she isn't a Cattle Dog, I think Remy is pretty cute. It's wonderful having a playmate and friend to get into trouble with.
I am so glad your mommas are taking you to a clicker class. My mom teaches clicker classes too! I turned into a good boy because of the clicker, after I figured out that the clicker wasn't the treat. I ate a few before I understood about the noise and food! No wonder my mom says I'm not the sharpest tack in the box.

Have fun,